Foot and ankle injuries are common in sports, however, even a daily walk with the dog or an occupation requiring long hours on the feet can lead to similar injuries that we would see in the sporting world.  When it comes to injuries of the foot and lower limb, correct diagnosis is vital as it allows a targeted treatment and rehabilitation program.  Podiatrists at PW Podiatry are trained in assessing your pain to reach a diagnosis, allowing us to treat patients and get them back on the road to recovery and doing the activities they love.

Common lower limb injuries include but are not limited to heel pain including plantar fasciitis, achilles pain, stress fractures, ankle injuries, shin splints (MTSS), knee pain (PFJS), forefoot injuries and many more….

We work with the injured athlete or individual, creating a tailored rehabilitation program and setting targets along the way to enable timely recovery and a controlled return to sport.